Search Results
FFXIV Heavensward - Alexander Midas ( Savage ) Floor 4 - A8S Kill ( WhM PoV )
FFXIV: Elysium Alexander Midas Savage Turn 4 Clear A8S WHM POV
Alexander Floor 8 Savage (A8S) Clear - Team Serious Face - WHM POV
Alexander Midas (Savage) : Burden of the Son A8S Clear WHM PoV
FFXIV - A8S Alexander (Midas): Burden of the Son (WHM POV)
Alexander: Midas (Savage) Floor 4 - Brute Justice (A8S) - LVN Team Echo
Alexander: Midas 4 Savage (A8S) MCH PoV
Final Fantasy XIV: Alexander Midas (A8) Whm PoV
FFXIV Heavensward - Alexander Midas ( Savage ) Floor 3 - A7S Kill ( WhM PoV )
Alexander: Midas Floor 4 (Savage) Discussion & Walkthrough
Alexander Midas 1 Sadique : Le Poing du Fils / Midas Savage Floor 1 (WHM PoV)